Tutanota Thunderbird

Free Software Day

How do I configure Tutanota to thunderbird? There are no helpfull or any links for newbies like me, can someone please help me to set it up with Linux laptop. I was so excited to read the article about Top three open source email clients for Linux but i cant find any help. Just a very little help in Tutanota & Thunderbird too. Tutanota does not support sending/receiving OpenPGP emails. In addition, there doesn't seem to be any way to read Tutanota emails in Thunderbird or other mail clients. Does such a bridge exist? Thunderbird is now part of MZLA Technologies Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Portions of this content are ©1998–2021 by individual contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license. Contribute to this site. Tutanota is the world's most secure email service and amazingly easy to use. User account menu. Can I add tutanota services in Thunderbird or any other email client's like fair-email. Posted by 2 days ago. Can I add tutanota services in Thunderbird or any other email client's like fair-email.

Today weare hosting an I Love Free Software Day at our offices in Hanover. Since the development of our calendar, you allknow how much we love ice cream. Now we invite everyone in the area to our offices for free ice cream! Get to knowus, have a chat and discuss your most wanted features for Tutanota. The full invitation was sent to you via email. 😉


Giving back on Valentine's Day

The I Love Free Software Day was initiated by the Free Software Foundation Europeto thank all free software developers.As Tutanota is open source as well, lots of developers around the world have contributed to ouropen source email project. We'd like tothank everyone who contributed: You help us build an even better Tutanota every day. If you are interested in helpingus as well, please check our GitHub repository and our job posting.

Open source guarantees security


Open source guarantees that no one can hide an encryption backdoor in the code. That's why we have published the entire client code -web client, Android & iOS apps, desktop clients - under GPLv3 on GitHub.

Only with open source, tech-savvy people can audit the code and verify that Tutanota is doing what we promise:Protecting your private data to the maximum.

Tutanota dependencies

On I Love Free Software Day we would also like to thank all free software developers who are working on the followingprojects:

  • JFBCrypt

Tutanota Mozilla Thunderbird

We use these projects to build and run Tutanota. So here goes a big 'Thank you!' to the open source community who helpsus realising Tutanota.