Upgrade Vim Mac

The operation of VIM1, VIM2 and VIM3 is almost the same, so this document will take VIM1 as an example.
  1. Update Vim Macos
  2. Upgrade Vim Mac Os
  3. Mac Vim Commands
  4. Upgrade Vim To 8

Use fakeclip pseudo clipboard register for non-GUI version of Vim on Cygwin and Mac OS X It looks like there's a problem with fakeclip on Mac OS X (I don't know which versions are affected). For everyone who gets 'Platform not supported: Unknown' or something like this should try this. Upgrade Vim to vim 8: # yum update vim. After it is successful, your Vim should be version 8.0 now: # vim -version VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Aug 2 2017 16:29:21) Included patches: 1-839.


  • Dowload the USB Upgrade Tool and extract it.
  • Run setup_v2.x.x.exe to install the tool for upgrading your VIMs:

Upgrade steps

Make soure that you have install the correct USB upgrade Tool, then follow the steps below to upgrade:

  1. Open USB_Burning_tool_v2.x.x.exe, click “File–>Import Image” to choose an image for your VIMs.

  2. Connect your VIMs to your PC with a USB-C data cable (VIMs will power on automatically).

  3. Place your VIMs into “Upgrade Mode”:

    • Long press the Power key without releasing it.
    • Short press the Reset key and release it.
    • Count to 10 seconds and then release the Power key.
  4. If you have performed steps 2 and 3 correctly, your PC will automatically discover your VIMs asa connected USB-device.

    Now all you need to do is to click the Start button of the tool and wait for upgrading to complete:

  • To cancel an upgrade, click the Stop button, then close the USB Upgrade Tool. Note that the eMMC might already have been completely erased if you went past the 15% mark.
  • Extra power supply(VIM1/VIM2/VIM3) may be required in cases whereby your PC cannot provide enough electrical-current for the upgrade.


Update Vim Macos

Upgrade vim mac os

Download Burning Tool

Image burning tool for Ubuntu is in this repository utils.

Upgrade Vim Mac Os

Or just pull it (if you have already cloned this repository).

Install Burning Tool

You need to install USB rules and create some links.

You will see this print-out if it was successful.


Root privilege required.

Mac Vim Commands

Check The USB Driver

You must now place your VIM board into “Upgrade Mode”.See VIM1/VIM2/VIM3 to enter Upgrade Mode.
Check to see if Ubuntu has detected your VIM1/VIM2 as a connected USB-device.

The message above means that your VIM is connected and recogized by Ubuntu.

How to burn an Image on Ubuntu

There are two commands that be used to burn image: burn-tool and aml-burn-tool.

Upgrade Vim To 8

For example: Burn image for VIM3

  • General command burn-tool:
  • Amlogic command aml-burn-tool:

For VIM3/VIM3L, you must specify the board with -b VIM3 or it will fail. For VIM1 or VIM2 you can ignore this.

You will see these teminal logs if successful.

For more information please refer to docs.

Uninstall Burning Tool

See Also